What's up everybody it's my first time writing a blog so it's going to be pretty weird but I'll get better as I go.
So our first thing is kittens. Lets see what we got.
One of nature’s most recognizable baby animals, kittens are popular pets for both adult and children!
A newly born kitten is only about two to four ounces! Kittens open their eyes almost after one week of their birth but their vision becomes clearer after almost two and half months. Baby kittens are very responsive to different sounds during the first few months of their life.They develop very strong senses during their childhood including taste, smell and sight. You can see a baby kitten’s teeth within two weeks. A kitten isn’t called a cat until about eight to nine months. One of the interesting facts is about their blood groups. They posses different blood groups just like you and I. Kittens only have three types of blood groups which are A, B and AB. But most kittens have blood group type A.
Isn't that interesting.
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Kittens can hear more sounds than you and I as they can hear the sounds that have frequencies of up to sixty four thousands hertz! We can’t hear anything close to this! While we can sweat after playing through most of our skin, kittens have sweat glands only in their feet! This is one of the reasons why they do a good job at keeping themselves clean and don’t need daily baths like you and I. Their smelling sense is very much stronger than human beings and becomes developed very early. Their vision is stronger than ours but they cannot see in total darkness. They can see in dim light as their vision is seven times better than a human being’s vision!
Kittens develop a friendship with humans very quickly compare to the babies of different pet animals. It is very easy to train kittens as they can adopt the new environment and habits very quickly. This means you can get them trained to use a litterbox or play with toys! They like entertainment as much as you and I do. Kittens love to play with human beings and with toys too. From string toys, feathers and balls, be sure to give your kitten many things to play with! They like to be warm when they sleep, so give them somewhere cozy to snuggle up at night.
Caring for Kittens
Your kitten is a small baby that needs care and loving attention just like a human one! Raise it well and it will become a well-balanced adult cat that will provide lots of love throughout both yours and their life. At eight weeks of age a kitten can leave their littermates and mother to go home with you! They can’t leave earlier as they rely on each other to keep warm and stay safe. They also still need their mother’s milk! Once your cat is a little older she’ll really want to play! Make sure to have plenty of toys around. At this stage they’ll be running, jumping, pouncing and rolling with excitement. They really love to live life at such a young age.
See if you should get a cat! Take our quiz
Within a few month’s they’ll have the most energy of their lives! Adult cats tend to be a little more calm and collected. Feed them often as they are burning more energy now than when they were kittens or will be adults.
Teaching a cat to use a litter box is easy. After meals and playtime place them in the litter box and let them do their business. Rewarding them when they’ve done a good thing is crucial. Also take the time to get them used to as many people as possible. This way they won’t be scared when someone comes over or they hear a loud noise.
Kitty can even learn tricks! Almost anything is possible as long as they start from a young age. Now is the perfect time to teach them to rollover, sit or stand.
Most importantly, make sure your little cat goes to the vet. Daily care is important and will ensure a long, healthy life for your animal!
Fun Facts About Kittens!
• A group of cats is called a clowder!
• A Mother cat can have 1-8 kittens per litter!
• A kitten’s eyes will change color as they get older
• A group of kittens is called a kindle!
• A cat’s heart beats almost twice as fast as a human’s heart with 110 to 140 beats per minute
• Cats have 290 bones!
• Cats only meow at humans, never to other cats!
• A falling cat will always land on its feet
• There are over 500 million kitties in the world!
• A male cat is called a Tom and a female cat is called a Molly
• Cats have great night vision, they can see in the dark almost perfectly!
• Cats live anywhere on average from 12-15 years
• Kittens can dream at one week old
• Cats are the sleepiest of all mammals!
• Almost all cat owners talk to their cat